Friday, April 10, 2009

1901 Living History Walking suit, chapter 2

I have never adapted a pattern so I am flying by the seat of my pants. The first thing I needed to figure out was how to get the shape of the sleeves from straight to a pointed bell. The pattern for the sleeves is normally one piece. To get the points on the sleeves to hang over the pinky finger and to have 2 seams rather than one the pattern had to be cut into thirds and pasted together differently. I then bent the pattern where the elbow will be and added a bell like shape to the bottom of the pattern.

The modern jacket has a flat front but I need to figure out how tho get the pleated styling in the front. I added in a fold to the fabric before I pinned and cut out the pattern piece. I actually changed it a bit by putting the fold in at an angle. I thought a more v like shape might be more flattering to my figure. Time will tell.

I will also try to add a bit of styling to the back of the coat to carry over the pleats from the front.

Now I will sew everything together and see how the basic shape looks.

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